

I can’t believe I’m so busy all the time. There are so many things around me going on at the moment. Busy with massage schools, partying, meeting friends, reparing my bike... Small accidents on the streets happen all the time, but why to me??? Wghrrrr... But I’m still alive, no worries, just a few scraches and one bruse. Also there is a constant issues with my friends. Whenever you get close to one they have to leave ☹ That the case of Renato, Lynn (photo), Emilio, Anna and many others...

Last Saturday Lynn taught me reiki. She wanted me to give her some Polish music in exchange, which was fair enough and I was happy to spread some of my culture around. I gave her Justyna Steczkowska, Aga Zaryan, Novika and, last but not least, my idol, my absolute favourite, Maria Peszek. I even translated some of MP’s lyrics to English to give Lynn an impression of her genius. But of course lyrics are deeply grounded in Polish language and some parts are just untranslatable...
But lets go back to reiki. It was one of the most amazing experience in my life! At first Lynn was explaining to me how it works, how it should be done and that energy will go through me... Yeah, great, but I was still confused, cos had no idea how to DO IT! Then she did it to me and I did it to her... And doing it I felt it. All of a sudden my body was in a fire coming from my Solar Plexus Chakra. And then cool down again. And when my hands touched another place of her body the heat started again... Oh shit, I thought to myself, this is something, man!

Reiki started to work sometime around Sunday afternoon... It hit my stomache very hard. For the next 3 days I had been lying down in my bed, having stomache pain, not eating anything. But nothing else was happening apart from I was also very weak. On Thursday I got diarrhea, but my stomache stopped to bother me. I guess, there is no other explenation for this, but that my body was cleaning itself from all that rubbish which was stored there for many years. Little by little I regain my strength and on Sunday my body was rised from the dead.
I noticed many changes. First, my back pain, which I’ve had for like 5 last years, are almost gone. Second, I can’t eat artificial food, cos I can feel chemicals on my tongue after first bite. Third, I got very emotional and introvert, which is a sign that it’s not only a phisical process...
I hope Lynn will enjoy Polish music like I enjoy new knowlegde she introduced me to!

Isn’t it wonderful that we have in our bodies such a powerful tool to heal ourselves? Without any pills, any doctors, any other treatments, it just takes a bit of energy... The Great Godess and Her Husband God really gave us everything we need... ☺

To settle my new me in myself and to renew my Thai visa I’m heading to Laos tomorrow for my lonely 2 weeks trip ☺



Unknown said...

niezla zajawka z tym reiki, nie wiedzialam ze to az tak mocno dziala. mialam cesarke ( lekarze musieli szybko reagowac bo zaczal dziecku zanikac puls) i od porodu sonki troche sie czuje dziwacznie w sensie nie mam za bardzo sily, zastanawiam sie czy to by moglo pomoc


cze kochana, nie wiem, jestem w tym swieza, ale jak sie zobaczymy, to mozemy sprobowac :)