

“‘Normally we are so identified with our thoughts and emotions, that we are them. We are the happiness, we are the anger, we are the fear. We have to learn to step back and know our thoughts emotions are just thoughts and emotions. They’re just mental states. They’re not solid, they’re transparent.’

‘Once we realize that the nature of our existence is beyond thoughts and emotions, that it is incredibly vast and interconnected with other beings, then the sense of isolation, separation, fear and hopes fall away.’

‘What we need to do is to learn to come down into the heart, the seat of our true self. It’s not a theory, an idea. It’s something you feel. The heart opening up is real.’


And what is a difference between detachment and being cut off from your emotions anyway?

‘One goes into a retreat to understand who one really is and what the situation truly is. When one begins to understand oneself then one can truly understand others. (..) That understanding naturally arises love and compassion. It’s not based on sentiment. It’s not based on emotion. Sentimental love is very unstable, because it’s based on feedback and how good it makes you feel. That is not real love at all.’”

Vicki Mackenzie, "Cave in the Snow. Tenzin Palmo Quest for Enlightenment"

I don’t know David is right or not, but that’s what I’m learning at the moment. To help me understand I was given a great lesson of love and detachment from a teacher, who had briefly came into my life... So now I feel like it’s the time to do retreat. No, not like Tenzin Palmo for 12 years in cave in Himalaya, but maybe just 10 days in one of the temples of Thailand ☺


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