

As a woman proceeds on a heroine's journey, she confronts tasks, obstacles and dangers. How she responds and what she does will change her. Along the way, she will find what matters to her and whether she has the courage to act on what she knows. Her character and compassion will be tested. She will encounter the dark, shadowy aspects of her personality, sometimes at the same time that her strenght become more evident and her self confidence grows, or when fears overtake her. Grief will probably be known to her, as she experience loss, limitations or defeat. The heroine's trip is a journey of discovery and development, of integrating aspects of herself into a whole, yet complex personality.
Jean Shinoda Bolen, "Goddesses in Everywoman. A New Psychology of Woman"

I guess this quote of Jean Shinoda Bolen fits me. After 2 years of griefing and going through hardest feelings, finally I managed to sort out what I really need, what I really want, and what IS my reality. Finally I started to be not affraid of my life but enjoy it. Finally I allowed myself to be happy and do what I want. And what I've always wanted to do was traveling. So I went on to traveling. First part of this adventure, a journey inside myself, I've started 2 years ago. I'm starting the second part. Geographical one.
First destination was a simple choice: Asia. Being 20 years ago in Thailand I realised Asia is a place I want to explore. I guess it's because I'm opposite to everything what Asian. One of my friends told me once I'm very Western. I think it's very true. I'm individualistic, attached to my personal freedom and responsibility, I'm very direct, active, spontanious. I love spacy, not crowded places, clean streets, and I hate spicy food, and so on. Oh, and last but not least I feel uncomfortable with dirty feet :) So... isn't it Asia the best place for me?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am proud of you Magda!! You are a phenominal woman and with so much energy and vibrance!! You will succeed.. you already have!!

Asia is the best place for you right now. I think it is important for you to be there and to face your fears & get out of your comfort zone of having dirty feet!! ;o)

All the very Best!! xo